DEFlatness of mouth of wide mouth bottle
Flatness of mouth of wide mouth bottle, Total:101 items.
In the international standard classification, Flatness of mouth of wide mouth bottle involves: Bottles. Pots. Jars, Electrical accessories, Analytical chemistry, Pharmaceutics, Glass.
Association Francaise de Normalisation, Flatness of mouth of wide mouth bottle
- NF H35-093:1991 Bottling industry. Wide-mouth glass containers (crimp finish).
- NF H35-092:1991 Bottling industry. Wide-mouth glass containers (thead finish).
- NF H35-098:1991 Bottling industry. Glass bottles. Flat glass finish with 29 mm groove. Dimensions.
- NF H35-105-1:1993 Bottling industry. Wide mouth glass containers. Vacuum lug finish. Part 1 : 38 mm nominal diameter.
- NF H35-105-4:1993 Bottling industry. Wide mouth glass containers. Vacuum lug finish. Part 4 : 100 mm nominal diameter.
- NF H35-105-7:1994 Bottling industry. Wide mouth glass containers. Vacuum lug finish. Part 7 : 77 mm nominal diameter.
- NF H35-105-8:1994 Bottling industry. Wide mouth glass containers. Vacuum lug finish. Part 8 : 82 mm nominal diameter.
- NF H35-105-3:1993 Bottling industry. Wide mouth glass containers. Vacuum finish. Part 3 : 89 mm nominal diameter.
- NF B35-004:1974 Laboratory glassware. Round bottom flasks. Flat bottom flasks. Flasks with conical ground glass joint.
- NF H35-105-2:1993 Bottling industry. Wide mouth glass containers. Vacuum lug finish. Part 2 : 43 mm and 48 mm nominal diameters.
- NF B35-798*NF EN ISO 24450:2006 Laboratory glassware - Wide-necked boiling flasks.
- NF H35-105-5:1994 Bottling industry. Wide mouth glass containers. Vacuum lug finish. Part 5 : 53 mm and 58 mm nominal diameters.
- NF H35-105-6:1994 Bottling industry. Wide mouth glass containers. Vacuum lug finish. Part 6 : 63 mm, 66 mm and 70 mm nominal diameters.
- NF H35-114*NF EN 15543:2008 Glass packaging - Finishes for bottles - Screw thread finishes for bottles for non-carbonated liquids.
- NF H35-088:1991 Bottling industry. Screw neck glass container finish. Flask thread height.
- NF H35-096:1991 Bottling industry. Glass bottles. Glass finishes, low form.
- NF H35-027:1972 PORT WINE FINISH.
- NF H35-027:2015 Bottling industry - Port wine finish
- NF H35-080:1991 Bottling industry. Glass bottles. Glass low turn-off crown finish 26 mm. Dimensions.
- NF H35-029:1995 Bottling industry. Glass bottles. Glass crown champagne finish 26 and 29.
- NF H35-043:1996 Bottling industry. Glass bottles. 26 H 180 crown finish. Dimensions.
- NF H35-090:1986 Bottling industry. Plastic finishes for ratched cap or sealable cap. Finishes of diameter 29 and 35 mm, special for edible oil. Dimensions.
- NF H35-095:1991 Bottling industriy. Glass bottles. Glass crimps finish, tall form.
- NF H35-044:1996 Bottling industry. Glass bottles. 26 H 126 crown finish. Dimensions.
- NF H35-036:1984 Bottling industry. Plastic screw finish. Parfumery type. Dimensions.
- NF H35-085:1991 Bottling industry. Glass bottles. Neck glass container finish 29 mm 185. Dimensions.
- NF H35-028:1995 Bottling industry. Glass bottles. Glass champagne finish. Dimensions.
- NF H35-129*NF EN 16289:2013 Glass packaging - Screw finishes for pressure capsules - MCA 7,5 RF finish
- NF H35-080:2006 Bottling industry - Glass bottles - 26 H 126 and 26 H 180 Twist Crown Finish.
- NF H35-068:1991 Bottling industry. Glass bottles. Press-screw neck glass finish, 31.
- NF H35-102:1991 Bottling industry. Glass bottles. Glass finish for pouring clip on cap finish of 32 (opening diameter 24 mm) for still liquids (so-called "verplast" diameter 32/24 no 3 for spout). Dimensions.
- NF EN 29885:1994 Wide-mouth glass containers - Flatness deviation of the upper sealing surface - Test methods
German Institute for Standardization, Flatness of mouth of wide mouth bottle
- DIN EN 29885:1994 Wide-mouth glass containers; deviation from flatness of top sealing surface; test methods (ISO 9885:1991); German version EN 29885:1994
- DIN 6094-10:1998 Means of packaging - Finishes for wide-mouthed glass containers - Part 10: Beaded edge finishes
- DIN 6094-7:1995 Packaging - Finishes for bottles - Part 7: Pilferprooffinishes
- DIN 6094-3:2003 Means of packaging - Finishes - Part 3: Finish for lever stoppers
- DIN EN 15543:2008 Glass packaging - Finishes for bottles - Screw thread finishes for bottles for non-carbonated liquids; German version EN 15543:2008
- DIN 18124:2019-02 Soil, investigation and testing - Determination of density of solid particles - Wide mouth pycnometer
- DIN 6094-14:1995 Packaging - Finishes for bottles - Part 14: 8 G screw-thread for bottles with internal pressure
- DIN 6094-12:1995 Packaging - Finishes for bottles - Part 12: Screw thread 7,5 R for bottles with internal pressure
- DIN 12463:1967 Bottles with standard ground joint, 200 mm in height
- DIN 12664-1:1983 Laboratory glassware; one-mark volumetric flasks; volumetric flasks with flanged edge, conical socket and conical joint
AT-ON, Flatness of mouth of wide mouth bottle
RO-ASRO, Flatness of mouth of wide mouth bottle
Defense Logistics Agency, Flatness of mouth of wide mouth bottle
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Flatness of mouth of wide mouth bottle
- ISO 9100:1992 Wide-mouth glass containers; vacuum lug finishes; dimensions
- ISO 24450:2005 Laboratory glassware - Wide-necked boiling flasks
British Standards Institution (BSI), Flatness of mouth of wide mouth bottle
- BS ISO 9100:1995 Wide-mouth glass containers. Vacuum lug finishes. Dimensions
- BS EN ISO 24450:2006 Laboratory glassware - Wide-necked boiling flasks
- BS EN 12726:2000 Packaging. Cork mouth finish with a bore diameter of 18,5 mm for corks and tamper evident capsules
- BS EN 12726:2018 Packaging. Cork mouth finish with a bore diameter of 18,5 mm for corks and tamper evident capsules
- BS EN 15543:2008 Glass packaging - Finishes for bottles - Screw thread finishes for bottles for non-carbonated liquids
- BS EN 16289:2013 Glass packaging. Screw finishes for pressure capsules. MCA 7,5 RF finish
- BS EN ISO 4796-1:2016 Laboratory glassware. Bottles. Screw-neck bottles
Danish Standards Foundation, Flatness of mouth of wide mouth bottle
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Flatness of mouth of wide mouth bottle
YU-JUS, Flatness of mouth of wide mouth bottle
CL-INN, Flatness of mouth of wide mouth bottle
SCC, Flatness of mouth of wide mouth bottle
- DIN 12385:1988 Laboratory glassware; conical flasks, wide neck
- UNE 126406:2001 Glass containers. Mouths. Mouth finishes for 29 mm crown cap clousures for cava, cider and granvas bottles.
- DIN 18124:2019 Soil, investigation and testing - Determination of density of solid particles - Wide mouth pycnometer
- DIN EN ISO 24450 E:2004 Draft Document - Laboratory glassware - Wide-necked boiling flasks (ISO/DIS 24450:2004); German version prEN ISO 24450:2004
IT-UNI, Flatness of mouth of wide mouth bottle
- UNI 6508-1969 The mouth of a glass bottle using a crown stopper. Dwarf bottle
- UNI 5882-1966 Glass bottle mouths. Flat cork (clamp) mouth.
HU-MSZT, Flatness of mouth of wide mouth bottle
IN-BIS, Flatness of mouth of wide mouth bottle
- IS 12864 Pt.1-1989 Packaging of Thermos Bottles for Export—Code of Practice Part 1 Complete Thermos Bottles
Professional Standard - Light Industry, Flatness of mouth of wide mouth bottle
PL-PKN, Flatness of mouth of wide mouth bottle
- PN B13006-1974 Laboratory glassware Multiple angled and parallel-neck round bottom flasks
CZ-CSN, Flatness of mouth of wide mouth bottle
European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Flatness of mouth of wide mouth bottle
- EN ISO 24450:2005 Laboratory glassware - Wide-necked boiling flasks
- EN 12726:2000 Packaging - Cork mouth finish with a bore diameter of 18,5 mm for corks and temper evident capsules
CEN - European Committee for Standardization, Flatness of mouth of wide mouth bottle
- EN 12726:2018 Packaging - Cork mouth finish with a bore diameter of 18@5 mm for corks and tamper evident capsules
Professional Standard - Machinery, Flatness of mouth of wide mouth bottle
Professional Standard - Medicine, Flatness of mouth of wide mouth bottle