DEToy testing products
Toy testing products, Total:98 items.
In the international standard classification, Toy testing products involves: Equipment for entertainment, Services, Packaging and distribution of goods in general, Equipment for children, Patents. Intellectual property, Food products in general, Applications of information technology, Vocabularies, Terminology (principles and coordination), Environmental protection, Adhesives, Company organization and management.
CN-CNCA, Toy testing products
- CNCA 13C-073-2006 Implementing Rules for Compulsory Certification of Toy Products Doll Toy Products
- CNCA 13C-069-2006 Implementation Rules for Compulsory Certification of Toy Products Electric Toy Products
- CNCA 13C-071-2006 Implementation Rules for Compulsory Certification of Toy Products Metal Toy Products
- CNCA 13C-070-2006 Implementation Rules for Compulsory Certification of Toy Products Plastic Toy Products
- CNCA 13C-068-2006 Implementing Rules for Compulsory Certification of Toy Products Baby Carriage Products
HU-MSZT, Toy testing products
Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Toy testing products
Professional Standard - Agriculture, Toy testing products
Professional Standard - Commodity Inspection, Toy testing products
- SN/T 3533-2013 Test method of toys that contain magnets
- SN/T 3378-2012 Methods of microbiological examination for toys.Determination of aerobic bacterial count
- SN/T 3610-2013 Test method to determine temperature rise of electric toys
- SN/T 2438.3-2010 Rules for inspection of toys for import and export- Part 3: Electric toys
- SN/T 3082.8-2012 Specifications for the inspection of export fireworks and firecracker.Part 8:Toys
- SN/T 2438.2-2010 Import and Export Toy Inspection Regulations Part 2: Bamboo and Wooden Toys
- SN/T 2438.5-2010 Rules for the inspection of toys for import and export.Part 5:Mechanical toys
- SN/T 2438.6-2011 Import and Export Toy Inspection Regulations Part 6: Plastic Toys
- SN/T 2791.1-2011 General Technical Requirements for Inspection and Quarantine of Imported and Exported Toys Part 1: Toy Hygiene
- SN/T 0307-1993 Rules for inspection of toy shoesfor export
- SN/T 2438.1-2010 Rules for the inspection toys for import and export- Part 1: Toys intended to bear the mass of a child
- SN/T 0734.3-1997 Rules for inspection of battery operated toys for export
- SN/T 0734.2-1997 Rules for inspection of wooden toy for export
- SN/T 0304-1993 Rules for inspection of plush toyfor export
- SN/T 0734.1-1997 Rules of inspection for safety of toys for export
- SN/T 0304-2007 Rules for the inspection of plush toy for import and export
- SN/T 0957-2000 Rules for the inspection of plastic toys for import and export
- SN/T 2438.4-2010 Rules for the inspection of toys for import and export- Part 4: Plush toy and disguise costume
Standard Association of Australia (SAA), Toy testing products
SE-SIS, Toy testing products
- SIS 87 01 20-1966 Toys. Testing of dolls and animals
- SIS 87 01 20 E-1966 In the emil of any differences in interpretation of this standard the Swedish version shall take precedence over this translation.
Taiwan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Toy testing products
- CNS 12944-1994 Method of Test for Game Gun
- CNS 4798.30-1995 Method of test for toy safety (Testing for mouth-actuated toys)
- CNS 4798-30-1995 Method of test for toy safety (Testing for mouth-actuated toys)
- CNS 4798.18-1994 Method of test for toy safety (Tip-over test for toys of large area or volume)
- CNS 4798.19-1994 Method of test for toy safety (Tumble test for wheeled toys)
- CNS 4798-19-1994 Method of test for toy safety (Tumble test for wheeled toys)
- CNS 4798-18-1994 Method of test for toy safety (Tip-over test for toys of large area or volume)
- CNS 4798.35-1995 Method of test for toy safety (Testing for stability of ride-on or sit-on toys)
- CNS 4798-35-1995 Method of test for toy safety (Testing for stability of ride-on or sit-on toys)
- CNS 4798.37-1995 Method of test for toy safety (Testing for toys containing a steam engine)
- CNS 4798.36-1995 Method of test for toy safety (Testing for toys containing a heat source)
- CNS 4798-36-1995 Method of test for toy safety (Testing for toys containing a heat source)
- CNS 4798.31-1995 Method of test for toy safety (Impact test for toys that cover the face)
- CNS 4798.33-1995 Method of test for toy safety (Testing for handheld rattles or other handheld toys which are designed to produce sound when shaken)
- CNS 4798-37-1995 Method of test for toy safety (Testing for toys containing a steam engine)
- CNS 4798.1-1986 Method of test for toy safety:Testing for flammability of textile materials
- CNS 4798-33-1995 Method of test for toy safety (Testing for handheld rattles or other handheld toys which are designed to produce sound when shaken)
- CNS 4798.9-1994 Method of test for toy safety (Testing for color fastness of textile materials to perspiration)
- CNS 4798.8-1994 Method of test for toy safety (Testing for wet/dry crocking of textile materials)
- CNS 4798-1994 Method of test for toy safety (General rules)
- CNS 4798-31-1995 Method of test for toy safety (Impact test for toys that cover the face)
- CNS 4798-8-1994 Method of test for toy safety (Testing for wet/dry crocking of textile materials)
- CNS 4798-1-1986 Method of test for toy safety:Testing for flammability of textile materials
- CNS 4798-9-1994 Method of test for toy safety (Testing for color fastness of textile materials to perspiration)
- CNS 4798.16-1994 Method of test for toy safety (Testing for toys which are labelled as being washable)
SCC, Toy testing products
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), Toy testing products
KR-KS, Toy testing products
- KS G ISO 8124-6-2016 Safety of toys ─ Part 6: Certain phthalate esters in toys and children''s products
RU-GOST R, Toy testing products
GSO, Toy testing products
- GSO ISO 8124-6:2022 Safety of toys — Part 6: Certain phthalate esters in toys and children's products
- BH GSO ISO 8124-6:2023 Safety of toys — Part 6: Certain phthalate esters in toys and children's products
RO-ASRO, Toy testing products
- STAS 7143-1984 PLASTIC TOYS Sanitnry-hygenic requirements and cheking methods
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Toy testing products
- ISO 8124-6:2018 Safety of toys — Part 6: Certain phthalate esters in toys and children's products
- ISO 8124-6:2014 Safety of toys - Part 6: Certain phthalate esters in toys and children's products
國家市場監(jiān)督管理總局、中國國家標準化管理委員會, Toy testing products
- GB/T 36601-2018 Information description of product for electronic commerce transaction—Toys
Professional Standard - Environmental Protection, Toy testing products
- HJ 566-2010 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Wooden toys
CU-NC, Toy testing products
- NC 98-55-1984 Household Products. Dolls and Puppets. Quality Specifications
Association Francaise de Normalisation, Toy testing products
- XP CEN/TS 17394-1:2021 Textiles et produits textiles - Partie 1 : sécurité des vêtements d'enfants - Sécurité d'attache des composants fixés aux vêtements pour enfants en bas age - Spécification
- NF S51-216/A1:2006 Safety of toys - Part 5: chemical toys (sets) other than experimental sets
British Standards Institution (BSI), Toy testing products
- 17/30341115 DC BS ISO 8124-6. Safety of toys. Part 6. Certain phthalate esters in toys and children's products
- 22/30429458 DC BS ISO 8124-6. Safety of toys. Part 6. Certain phthalate esters in toys and children's products
- 13/30259325 DC BS ISO 8124-6. Safety of toys. Part 6. Toys and children's products. Determination of phthalate plasticizers in polyvinyl chloride plastics
AT-ON, Toy testing products
- ONORM EN 71-5-1993 Safety of toys - Part 5: Chemical toys (sets) other than experimental sets
中華人民共和國國家質量監(jiān)督檢驗檢疫總局、中國國家標準化管理委員會, Toy testing products
- GB/T 34451-2017 Requirements and guidelines of product quality traceability management for toys