DETotal Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen
Total Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen, Total:41 items.
In the international standard classification, Total Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen involves: Soil quality. Pedology, Vocabularies, Water quality, Fertilizers.
Danish Standards Foundation, Total Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen
- DS 223:1991 Water analysis. Determination of the sum of nitrite- and nitrate-nitrogen
- DS 230:1988 Water quality. Nitrate- + nitrite-nitrogen. Reduction by Devardas alloy
- DS/EN ISO 13395:1997 Water quality - Determination of nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen and the sum of both by flow analysis (CFA and FIA) and spectrometric detection
- DS/EN 15561:2009 Fertilizers - Determination of total nitrogen in calcium cyanamide containing nitrates
SCC, Total Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen
- NS 4745:1991 Water analysis - Determination of the sum of nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen
- NS 4865:1983 Air quality — Determination of the sum of nitrite- and nitrate-nitrogen in precipitation
- DANSK DS/EN ISO 13395:1997 Water quality - Determination of nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen and the sum of both by flow analysis (CFA and FIA) and spectrometric detection
- AENOR UNE-EN 15561:2009 Fertilizers - Determination of total nitrogen in calcium cyanamide containing nitrates
- SN-CEN/TS 15561:2007 Fertilizers — Determination of total nitrogen in calcium cyanamide containing nitrates
- DANSK DS/EN 15561:2009 Fertilizers – Determination of total nitrogen in calcium cyanamide containing nitrates
- NS-EN 15561:2009 Fertilizers - Determination of total nitrogen in calcium cyanamide containing nitrates
NO-SN, Total Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen
- NS 4745-1991 Water analysis - Determination of the sum of nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen
- NS 4865-1983 Air quality - Determination of the sum of nitrite- and nitrate-nitrogen in precipitation
SE-SIS, Total Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen
RO-ASRO, Total Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen
- STAS SR ISO 7408:1993 Fertilizers. Determination of ammoniacal nitrogen content in the presence of other substances which release ammonia when treated with sodium hydroxide. Titrimetric method
- SR ISO 4176:1981 Fertilizers. Determination of nitrate nitrogen content. Nitrogen gravimetric method
Hubei Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Total Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen
- DB42/T 2120-2023 Determination of ammonia nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen in soil by gas phase molecular absorption spectrometry
Professional Standard - Environmental Protection, Total Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen
- HJ 634-2012 Soil.Determination of ammonium, nitrite and nitrate by extraction with potassium chloride solution-spectrophotometric methods
GSO, Total Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen
- OS GSO ISO 13395:2013 Water quality -- Determination of nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen and the sum of both by flow analysis (CFA and FIA) and spectrometric detection
YU-JUS, Total Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen
- JUS H.Z1.137-1985 Testing of industrial vvaters. Determination of nitrite-nitrate and the combined nitrite-nitrate nitrogen, Spectrophotometric method
British Standards Institution (BSI), Total Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen
- BS EN ISO 13395:1996(1998) Water quality — Determination of nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen and the sum of both by flow analysis (CFA and FIA) and spectrometric detection
- DD CEN/TS 15561:2007 Fertilizers. Determination of total nitrogen in calcium cyanamide containing nitrates
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), Total Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen
- KS I ISO 13395-2008(2018) Water quality-Determination of nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen and the sum of both by flow analysis (CFA and FIA) and spectrometric detection
- KS I ISO 13395:2008 Water quality-Determination of nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen and the sum of both by flow analysis (CFA and FIA) and spectrometric detection
Association Francaise de Normalisation, Total Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen
- NF EN 15560:2009 Fertilizers - Determination of total nitrogen in nitrate-free calcium cyanamide
German Institute for Standardization, Total Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen
- DIN EN ISO 13395:1996-12 Water quality - Determination of nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen and the sum of both by flow analysis (CFA and FIA) and spectrometric detection (ISO 13395:1996); German version EN ISO 13395:1996
- DIN EN 15561:2021-12 Fertilizers - Determination of total nitrogen in calcium cyanamide containing nitrates; German and English version prEN 15561:2021 / Note: Date of issue 2021-11-05*Intended as replacement for DIN EN 15561 (2009-06).
- DIN EN 15561:2009-06 Fertilizers - Determination of total nitrogen in calcium cyanamide containing nitrates; German version EN 15561:2009 / Note: To be replaced by DIN EN 15561 (2021-12).
- DIN EN 15561:2021 Fertilizers - Determination of total nitrogen in calcium cyanamide containing nitrates; German and English version prEN 15561:2021
South African Bureau of Standard, Total Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen
- SANS 13395:1996 Water quality - Determination of nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen and the sum of both by flow analysis (CFA and FIA) and spectrometric detection
Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE), Total Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen
- UNE-CEN/TS 15561:2007 EX Fertilizers - Determination of total nitrogen in calcium cyanamide containing nitrates
- UNE-EN 15561:2009 Fertilizers - Determination of total nitrogen in calcium cyanamide containing nitrates
Lithuanian Standards Office , Total Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen
- LST EN ISO 13395:2000 Water quality - Determination of nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen and the sum of both by flow analysis (CFA and FIA) and spectrometric detection (ISO 13395:1996)
- LST EN 15561-2009 Fertilizers - Determination of total nitrogen in calcium cyanamide containing nitrates
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Total Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen
- ISO 13395:1996 Water quality - Determination of nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen and the sum of both by flow analysis (CFA and FIA) and spectrometric detection
Yunnan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Total Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen
- DB53/T 624-2014 Determination of Nitrate Nitrogen and Nitrite Nitrogen in Coking Wastewater by Dairyler's Alloy Reduction-Neutralization Titration
European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Total Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen
- EN ISO 13395:1996 Water Quality - Determination of Nitrite Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen and the Sum of Both by Flow Analysis (CFA and FIA) and Spectrometric Detection
RU-GOST R, Total Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen
- GOST 30181.3-1994 Mineral fertilizers. Method for determination of mass fraction of nitrogen in fertilizers with nitrate nitrogen
CEN - European Committee for Standardization, Total Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen
- PD CEN/TS 15561:2007 Fertilizers - Determination of total nitrogen in calcium cyanamide containing nitrates
Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Total Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen
- T/CPCIF 0168-2021 Rapid detection kits for nitrite,nitrate and ammonia nitrogen in water