DEHoneycomb structure test
Honeycomb structure test, Total:78 items.
In the international standard classification, Honeycomb structure test involves: Materials for aerospace construction, Power stations in general, Cellular materials, Structures of buildings, Adhesives, Powder metallurgy, Road vehicles in general, Components for aerospace construction, Construction materials.
WRC - Welding Research Council, Honeycomb structure test
American Welding Society (AWS), Honeycomb structure test
SCC, Honeycomb structure test
- BS EN 2243-3:1992 Structural adhesives. Test methods.-Peeling test metal-honeycomb core
- BS EN 2243-4:1991 Structural adhesives. Test methods-Metal-honeycomb core flatwise tensile test
- SAE AMSC81986-2022 Core Material, Plastic Honeycomb, Nylon Paper Base for Aircraft Structural Applications
Professional Standard - Aviation, Honeycomb structure test
- HB 6462-1990 Standard test block for acoustic and vibration testing of metal honeycomb bonded structures
- HB 6107-1986 Acoustic resistance detection of metal honeycomb bonded structure
- HB 6108-1986 Acoustic Resonance Detection of Metal Honeycomb Adhesive Structures
- HB 5461-1990 Defect types and test blocks of metal honeycomb bonded structures
- HB 5368-1987 Simulation test method for flight effect of non-porous honeycomb bonded structure
- HB 5399-1988 Specification for adhesives for metal honeycomb sandwich structures
- HB 5443-1990 Specification for durable aluminum honeycomb core materials for sandwich structures
Military Standard of the People's Republic of China-General Armament Department, Honeycomb structure test
- GJB 130.1-1986 General principles for performance test methods for bonded aluminum honeycomb sandwich structures and aluminum honeycomb cores
- GJB 1719A-2021 General specification for aluminum honeycomb sandwich structures
- GJB 130.8-1986 Test method for 90° peeling of glued aluminum honeycomb sandwich structures
- GJB 1719-1993 General specification for aluminum honeycomb sandwich structures
- GJB 130.7-1986 Test method for roller peeling of glued aluminum honeycomb sandwich structures
- GJB 130.4-1986 Plane tensile test method for glued aluminum honeycomb sandwich structures
- GJB 130.9-1986 Test method for bending properties of glued aluminum honeycomb sandwich structures
- GJB 130.10-1986 Test method for lateral pressure performance of glued aluminum honeycomb sandwich structures
- GJB 2357-1995 Specification for adhesive films for metal honeycomb sandwich structures
- GJB 1874A-2021 Specification for aramid paper honeycomb core materials for aircraft structures
- GJB 130.6-1986 Plane shear test method for glued aluminum honeycomb sandwich structures and cores
- GJB 1874-1994 Specification for aramid paper-based honeycomb core materials for aircraft structures
- GJB 130.5-1986 Test method for plane compression properties of glued aluminum honeycomb sandwich structures and cores
- GJB 1480-1992 Specification for foam structural adhesives for splicing aluminum honeycomb core materials
Professional Standard - Aerospace, Honeycomb structure test
- QJ 20026-2011 General rules for honeycomb-sandwich structures repairing
- QJ 3043-1998 Specification for Adhesives for Honeycomb Sandwich Structures
- QJ 1123-1987 Test method for planar tensile strength of bonded honeycomb sandwich structures
- QJ 1633-1989 General technical specification for aluminum honeycomb sandwich structure
- QJ 1125-1987 Test method for plane shear performance of bonded honeycomb sandwich structures
- QJ 1124-1987 Test method for lateral compression performance of bonded honeycomb sandwich structure
- QJ 2915-1997 Laser holographic detection method of bonding quality of honeycomb sandwich structure
- QJ 3295-2008 General specification for inserts for honeycomb sandwich structures
- QJ 3294-2008 Installation requirements for inserts for honeycomb sandwich structures
- QJ 1101-1986 Terminology of honeycomb sandwich structure (process part)
- QJ 1343-1988 Test method for planar compressive properties of bonded honeycomb sandwich structures or cores
- QJ 2618A-2005 Specification for glass fiber reinforced plastic honeycomb sandwich structure
- QJ 1180-1987 Specifications for structural phenolic fiberglass honeycomb core
Professional Standard - Electricity, Honeycomb structure test
- DL/T 1997-2019 Honeycomb structure wet electrostatic precipitator (mist)
European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Honeycomb structure test
- EN ISO 845:2009 Cellular plastics and rubbers - Determination of apparent density
CEN - European Committee for Standardization, Honeycomb structure test
- EN ISO 845:1995 Cellular Plastics and Rubbers - Determination of Apparent (Bulk) Density
Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Honeycomb structure test
- T/FSNZ 5-2019 Prefabricated steel structure aluminum honeycomb environmental protection room
- T/QGCML 3203-2024 Construction and Management Standards for Enterprise Branches of Cultural Centers
AT-ON, Honeycomb structure test
- ONORM EN 2243-3-1992 Aerospace series - Structural adh?sives - Test methods -Peeling test metal-honeycomb core
Danish Standards Foundation, Honeycomb structure test
- DS/EN 2243-3:1993 Aerospace series. Structural adhesives. Test methods. Part 3: Peeling test metal-honeycomb core
- DS/EN 2243-4:1991 Aerospace series. structural adhesives. Test methods. Part 4: Metal-honeycomb core flatwise tensile test
GM Europe, Honeycomb structure test
- GME QK 000558-1986 PUR-Elastomer mit Zellstruktur PUR-Elastomer with Cell Structure German
SAE - SAE International, Honeycomb structure test
- SAE AMS4176C-2001 Honeycomb Core@ Aluminum Alloy for Sandwich Construction 5056@ 350 (175)
- SAE AMS4175B-1992 Honeycomb Core@ Aluminum Alloy for Sandwich Construction 5052@ 350 (175)
- SAE AMS4175C-2001 Honeycomb Core@ Aluminum Alloy for Sandwich Construction 5052@ 350 (175)
- SAE AMS4176B-1992 Honeycomb Core@ Aluminum Alloy for Sandwich Construction 5056@ 350 (175)
- SAE AMS3716B-1991 Core@ Honeycomb@ Glass/ Phenolic Bias Weave Fiber Construction
- SAE AMS4348-1977 Honeycomb Core@ Aluminum Alloy@ Corrosion Inhibited For Sandwich Construction 5052@ 350 (175)
- SAE AMS4348A-1984 Honeycomb Core@ Aluminum Alloy@ Corrosion Inhibited For Sandwich Construction 5052@ 350 (175)
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Honeycomb structure test
- ASTM E865-20 Standard Specification for Structural Film Adhesives for Honeycomb Sandwich Panels
- ASTM E865-12 Standard Specification for Structural Film Adhesives for Honeycomb Sandwich Panels
- ASTM E865-03 Standard Specification for Structural Film Adhesives for Honeycomb Sandwich Panels
- ASTM E865-08 Standard Specification for Structural Film Adhesives for Honeycomb Sandwich Panels
工業(yè)和信息化部, Honeycomb structure test
- YS/T 1139-2016 Additive manufacturing of TC4 titanium alloy honeycomb structure parts
- QC/T 1162-2022 Honeycomb sandwich structure products for automotive exterior parts
- JB/T 13464-2018 Non-destructive testing of honeycomb sandwich structure using flash light-excited infrared thermal imaging method
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), Honeycomb structure test
- SAE AMS4175B-1994 HONEYCOMB CORE, ALUMINUM ALLOY For Sandwich Construction 5052, 350 (175)
- SAE ARP5606A-2011 Composite Honeycomb NDI Reference Standards
- SAE AMS4176A-1987 HONEYCOMB CORE, ALUMINUM ALLOY For Sandwich Construction 5056, 350 (175)
- SAE AMS4175A-1987 HONEYCOMB CORE, ALUMINUM ALLOY For Sandwich Construction 5052, 350 (175)
- SAE AMS4176B-1994 HONEYCOMB CORE, ALUMINUM ALLOY For Sandwich Construction 5056, 350 (175)
- SAE AMS3716C-2022 Core, Honeycomb, Glass/Phenolic Bias Weave Fiber Construction
- SAE AMS3716-1979 CORE, HONEYCOMB, GLASS/PHENOLIC Bias Weave Fiber Construction
- SAE AMS4348D-2011 Core, Honeycomb, Aluminum Alloy, Corrosion Inhibited For Sandwich Construction 5052, 350 (177)
- SAE AMS4349D-2011 Core, Honeycomb, Aluminum Alloy, Corrosion Inhibited For Sandwich Construction 5056, 350 (177)
- SAE AMS3716C-1998 Core, Honeycomb, Glass/Phenolic Bias Weave Fiber Construction
- SAE AMS3716A-1984 CORE, HONEYCOMB, GLASS/PHENOLIC Bias Weave Fiber Construction
U.S. Air Force, Honeycomb structure test
IN-BIS, Honeycomb structure test
- IS 9527 Pt.4-1980 Code of Practice for the Design and Construction of Ports and Port Structures Part IV Cellular Sheet Pile Structures