DEHoneycomb core test
Honeycomb core test, Total:106 items.
In the international standard classification, Honeycomb core test involves: Elements of buildings, Materials for aerospace construction, Construction materials, Furniture, Reinforced plastics, Rubber and plastics products, Adhesives, Wastes, Pipeline components and pipelines, Coatings and related processes used in aerospace industry, Cellular materials.
SCC, Honeycomb core test
- CAN/CSA-O132.2.2-1990(C2003) Flat wooden doors with honeycomb core
- BS EN 2243-3:1992 Structural adhesives. Test methods.-Peeling test metal-honeycomb core
- NS-EN 13915:2007 Prefabricated gypsum plasterboard panels with a cellular paperboard core — Definitions, requirements and test methods
- DANSK DS/EN 13915:2017 Prefabricated gypsum plasterboard panels with a cellular paperboard core – Definitions, requirements and test methods
- NS-EN 13915:2017 Prefabricated gypsum plasterboard panels with a cellular paperboard core — Definitions, requirements and test methods
- BS EN 2243-4:1991 Structural adhesives. Test methods-Metal-honeycomb core flatwise tensile test
- DIN EN 13915 E:2016 Draft Document - Prefabricated gypsum plasterboard panels with a cellular paperboard core - Definitions, requirements and test methods; German and English version FprEN 13915:2016
- DANSK DS/EN 13915/ZA:2007 Prefabricated gypsum plasterboard panels with a cellular paperboard core – Definitions, requirements and test methods
- SAE AMSC81986-2022 Core Material, Plastic Honeycomb, Nylon Paper Base for Aircraft Structural Applications
- AENOR UNE-EN 13915:2018 Panels transformed with laminated plasterboard with cardboard cellular core. Definitions, specifications and testing methods.
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Honeycomb core test
- ASTM D6790/D6790M-16 Standard Test Method for Determining Poisson's Ratio of Honeycomb Cores
- ASTM D6790-02(2007) Standard Test Method for Determining Poisson's Ratio of Honeycomb Cores
- ASTM D6790/D6790M-14 Standard Test Method for Determining Poisson's Ratio of Honeycomb Cores
- ASTM D6790/D6790M-22 Standard Test Method for Determining Poisson's Ratio of Honeycomb Cores
- ASTM D6790-02 Standard Test Method for Determining Poisson''s Ratio of Honeycomb Cores
- ASTM F1645-00(2005) Standard Test Method for Water Migration in Honeycomb Core Materials
- ASTM F1645-95 Standard Test Method for Water Migration in Honeycomb Core Materials
- ASTM F1645-00 Standard Test Method for Water Migration in Honeycomb Core Materials
- ASTM F1645/F1645M-16 Standard Test Method for Water Migration in Honeycomb Core Materials
- ASTM F1645/F1645M-22 Standard Test Method for Water Migration in Honeycomb Core Materials
- ASTM C363-00 Standard Test Method for Delamination Strength of Honeycomb Core Materials
- ASTM D7336/D7336M-12 Standard Test Method for Static Energy Absorption Properties of Honeycomb Sandwich Core Materials
- ASTM C363/C363M-16 Standard Test Method for Node Tensile Strength of Honeycomb Core Materials
- ASTM C363/C363M-16(2024) Standard Test Method for Node Tensile Strength of Honeycomb Core Materials
- ASTM F1645/F1645M-12 Standard Test Method for Water Migration in Honeycomb Core Materials
- ASTM C363/C363M-24 Standard Test Method for Node Tensile Strength of Honeycomb Core Materials
- ASTM E1091-98 Standard Specification for Nonmetallic Honeycomb Core for Use in Shelter Panels
- ASTM E865-20 Standard Specification for Structural Film Adhesives for Honeycomb Sandwich Panels
- ASTM C363/C363M-09(2015) Standard Test Method for Node Tensile Strength of Honeycomb Core Materials
- ASTM D7336/D7336M-22 Standard Test Method for Static Energy Absorption Properties of Honeycomb Sandwich Core Materials
- ASTM D7336/D7336M-16 Standard Test Method for Static Energy Absorption Properties of Honeycomb Sandwich Core Materials
- ASTM E990-98 Standard Specification for Core-Splice Adhesive for Honeycomb Sandwich Shelter Panels
- ASTM E1091-08 Standard Specification for Nonmetallic Honeycomb Core for Use in Shelter Panels
- ASTM E990-21 Standard Specification for Core-Splice Adhesive for Honeycomb Sandwich Structural Panels
- ASTM E1091-13 Standard Specification for Nonmetallic Honeycomb Core for Use in Shelter Panels
- ASTM E1091-21 Standard Specification for Nonmetallic Honeycomb Core for Use in Shelter Panels
- ASTM E1091-03 Standard Specification for Nonmetallic Honeycomb Core for Use in Shelter Panels
Military Standard of the People's Republic of China-General Armament Department, Honeycomb core test
- GJB 130.2-1986 Determination method of density of aluminum honeycomb core
- GJB 9892-2020 Test method for water migration of paper honeycomb core materials
- GJB 130.1-1986 General principles for performance test methods for bonded aluminum honeycomb sandwich structures and aluminum honeycomb cores
- GJB 130.3-1986 Test method for strength of glued aluminum honeycomb core nodes
- GJB 9900-2020 Specification for core strip adhesives for the manufacture of aramid paper honeycomb core materials
- GJB 1874A-2021 Specification for aramid paper honeycomb core materials for aircraft structures
- GJB 130.6-1986 Plane shear test method for glued aluminum honeycomb sandwich structures and cores
- GJB 1874-1994 Specification for aramid paper-based honeycomb core materials for aircraft structures
- GJB 130.5-1986 Test method for plane compression properties of glued aluminum honeycomb sandwich structures and cores
- GJB 1480-1992 Specification for foam structural adhesives for splicing aluminum honeycomb core materials
IN-BIS, Honeycomb core test
- IS 11642 Pt.2-1986 Specification for aluminum hexagonal honeycomb cores Part 2 Test methods
- IS 11642 Pt.1-1986 Specification for aluminum hexagonal honeycomb cores Part 1 General requirements
Professional Standard-Packaging, Honeycomb core test
Professional Standard - Building Materials, Honeycomb core test
- JC/T 289-1981 Water absorption test method of honeycomb core of fiberglass reinforced plastics
- JC/T 781-1989 Test method for delamination strength of honeycomb type core
- JC/T 781-2006 Test method for delamiation strength of honeycomb core
- JC/T 289-2010 Test method for water absorption of glass fibre reinforced plastics honeycomb
Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Honeycomb core test
Professional Standard - Aviation, Honeycomb core test
- HB 5435-1989 NH-1 aramid paper honeycomb core material
- HB 5436-1989 GH-1 plain weave glass cloth honeycomb core material
- HB 7062-1994 Specification for adhesives for aluminum honeycomb core materials
- HB 5443-1990 Specification for durable aluminum honeycomb core materials for sandwich structures
- HB/Z 158-1990 Process specification for manufacturing durable aluminum honeycomb core material by stretching method
SAE - SAE International, Honeycomb core test
- SAE AMS3712B-1993 Core@ Honeycomb@ Glass/Polyimide
- SAE AMS4175B-1992 Honeycomb Core@ Aluminum Alloy for Sandwich Construction 5052@ 350 (175)
- SAE AMS4176C-2001 Honeycomb Core@ Aluminum Alloy for Sandwich Construction 5056@ 350 (175)
- SAE AMS4176B-1992 Honeycomb Core@ Aluminum Alloy for Sandwich Construction 5056@ 350 (175)
- SAE AMS4175C-2001 Honeycomb Core@ Aluminum Alloy for Sandwich Construction 5052@ 350 (175)
- SAE AMS5850E-2018 Steel@ Corrosion and Heat-Resistant@ Honeycomb Core Resistance Welded@ Square Cell
- SAE AMS4348-1977 Honeycomb Core@ Aluminum Alloy@ Corrosion Inhibited For Sandwich Construction 5052@ 350 (175)
- SAE AMS4348A-1984 Honeycomb Core@ Aluminum Alloy@ Corrosion Inhibited For Sandwich Construction 5052@ 350 (175)
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), Honeycomb core test
- SAE AMS4175-1969 HONEYCOMB CORE, ALUMINUM ALLOY 2.5Mg - 0.25Cr (5052-H191)
- SAE AMS4176-1970 HONEYCOMB CORE, ALUMINUM ALLOY 5.0Mg - 0.12Mn - 0.12Cr (5056-H191)
- SAE AMS4175B-1994 HONEYCOMB CORE, ALUMINUM ALLOY For Sandwich Construction 5052, 350 (175)
- SAE AMS4175A-1987 HONEYCOMB CORE, ALUMINUM ALLOY For Sandwich Construction 5052, 350 (175)
- SAE AMS4176B-1994 HONEYCOMB CORE, ALUMINUM ALLOY For Sandwich Construction 5056, 350 (175)
- SAE AMS3712C-2001 Core, Honeycomb, Glass/Polyimide
- SAE AMS4176A-1987 HONEYCOMB CORE, ALUMINUM ALLOY For Sandwich Construction 5056, 350 (175)
- SAE AMS3716C-2022 Core, Honeycomb, Glass/Phenolic Bias Weave Fiber Construction
- SAE AMS5850C-1993 Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Honeycomb Core Resistance Welded, Square Cell
Professional Standard - Light Industry, Honeycomb core test
Professional Standard - Aerospace, Honeycomb core test
- QJ 1179-1987 Test method for resin content of FRP honeycomb core
- QJ 1180A-2005 Specification for glass fiber reinforced plastic honeycomb core
- QJ 1343-1988 Test method for planar compressive properties of bonded honeycomb sandwich structures or cores
- QJ 1180-1987 Specifications for structural phenolic fiberglass honeycomb core
Association Francaise de Normalisation, Honeycomb core test
- NF EN 13915:2017 Prefabricated cardboard cellular core gypsum wall panels - Definitions, requirements and test methods
GSO, Honeycomb core test
- GSO EN 13915:2023 Prefabricated gypsum plasterboard panels with a cellular paperboard core - Definitions, requirements and test methods
- BH GSO EN 13915:2023 Prefabricated gypsum plasterboard panels with a cellular paperboard core - Definitions, requirements and test methods
German Institute for Standardization, Honeycomb core test
- DIN EN 13915:2017-09 Prefabricated gypsum plasterboard panels with a cellular paperboard core - Definitions, requirements and test methods; German version EN 13915:2017
- DIN EN 13915:2007 Prefabricated gypsum plasterboard panels with a cellular paperboard core - Definitions, requirements and test methods; English version of DIN EN 13915:2007-11
Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE), Honeycomb core test
- UNE-EN 13915:2018 Prefabricated gypsum plasterboard panels with a cellular paperboard core - Definitions, requirements and test methods
AT-ON, Honeycomb core test
- ONORM EN 2243-3-1992 Aerospace series - Structural adh?sives - Test methods -Peeling test metal-honeycomb core
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), Honeycomb core test
- KS I 3313-2016 Recycled coextruded polyvinylchloride(PVC) plastic pipe with a cellular core
- KS M 3413-2021 Coextruded poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) plastic pipe with a cellular core
- KS I 3313-2014 Recycled coextruded polyvinylchloride(PVC) plastic pipe with a cellular core
- KS M 3413-2016 Coextruded poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) plastic pipe with a cellular core
CZ-CSN, Honeycomb core test
European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Honeycomb core test
- EN 13915:2007 Prefabricated gypsum plasterboard panels with a cellular paperboard core - Definitions, requirements and test methods
- EN 13915:2017 Prefabricated gypsum plasterboard panels with a cellular paperboard core - Definitions@ requirements and test methods
- EN 2243-3:1991 Aerospace series; structural adhesives; test methods; part 3: peeling test metal-honeycomb core
British Standards Institution (BSI), Honeycomb core test
- BS EN 13915:2007 Prefabricated gypsum plasterboard panels with a cellular paperboard core - Definitions, requirements and test methods
- BS EN 13915:2017 Prefabricated gypsum plasterboard panels with a cellular paperboard core. Definitions, requirements and test methods